"The most learned men have been questioned as to the nature of this
tuber, and after two thousand years of argument and discussion their
answer is the same as it was on the first day: we do not know. The
truffles themselves have been interrogated, and have answered
simply: eat us and praise the Lord."
Alexandre Dumas(1802-1870)
Fungus Before Chocolate: The History Of The
"Truffle" by Daniel Wheeler
Truffle Factoids: compiled by Tanith Tyrr
The Aprhodisiacal Lore of Truffles by Tanith Tyrr
Tuckahoe - The Alberta Truffle by Angela Gottfred
Truffles In Ancient Rome by Steve Mercer and Rex
Truffles Among The Greeks by Cindy Renfrow
Some Truffle Fun: by Matt Hicks and wombat (Wade Lee)
The term "truffles" has referred to underground fungi far longer than
chocolate confections. The Bible mentions desert truffles, Plato wrote
of them, along with many other writers world-wide. Ancient Bedoins have
long sought desert truffles (Terfezia sps.) as spring delicacies.
During the Kuwait War, some Kuwaitis were more upset over the loss of
truffles than they were the ransacking of their country.
During the 1700s, there was a sudden influx of new foods and cooking
techniques brought into the new world. Among these was the discovery of
chocolate (actually 1600's, but who's paying attention?). Accordingly,
chocolate became something of a rage in Europe. However, truffles were
still reserved for those who could either find them, or could buy them.
Few people could afford them.
Then an enterprising person found that a truffle could be preserved for some time in either
brandy or port. These liquors would then absorb some of the truffle
aroma/essence/esthers, and allowed the creation of chocolate shells, into
which small quantities of this liquid were poured, then sealed with a bit
of chocolate. Suddenly the taste and aromas of both truffles and chocolate
could be enjoyed together.
Some truffles even smell like chocolate. Geopora cooperi, or Fuzzy
truffle, was a favorite of the late Henry Pavalek, who was long-time
North American Truffling Society president. Cooked Geopora tasted, in
Henry's words, "like bacon bits with something extra" and was his
favorite truffle. As fresh and mature (visible spores under 30x
microscope), Geopora has a distinctive odor similar to malted chocolate
Dogs as well as pigs are used to hunt truffles; pigs are more eager to
find the prizes, but it can be difficult to keep the pig from devouring
the truffle. Only sows are used - the smell of Italian white truffles
(Tuber magnatum Pico) contains pheromones that are attractive to female
pigs, but not to boars.
White truffle season in Alba, Italy ranges from August to January, but the
prime commercial availability in America and Europe is typically around the
holidays - November and December.
Italian white truffles are associated with oak trees; North American
truffles such as the Oregon White Truffle (T. gibbosum Harkness) grow
under other species, such as the Douglas Fir. Other truffle species are
closely associated with trees such as red alder, pine, lime, hazelnut,
pecan, and cottonwood. There are many more edible truffle species
identified in North America than there are in Europe, though the truffles
of Europe have a longer culinary history.
In Provence, Tuber melanosporum (the Italian Black winter truffle) is called
"rabasse", or "Rabasse de Provence."
North America has dozens of species of indigenous truffle, the majority of
which are not yet fully classified by science or culinary art, and new
species are being discovered every year. Many of these new species are
edible, some superbly so, and can come in a range of heady and intense
aromas and flavors ranging from pungent musk to licorice to tropical
fruit. Some of these new North
American truffle species as well as look-alike species are
poisonous - do not eat any truffle or other wild mushroom that has not
been identified by an expert.
In New Zealand, Tuber melanosporum has already been cultured and harvested
for commercial sale by growers, and the "kiwi country" may soon become a
serious contender in the world truffle market. Ian Hall's New Zealand Truffle Page offers
some further information on this project.
This lady goes on in the pages of Brillet-Savarin's work to relate the
tale of a sociable supper with a casual acquaintance named Verseuil, a
trusted friend of her husband's, whilst her husband was unavoidably
detained on a business appointment. "The principal dish of our
supper....was a magnificant truffled fowl. The truffles above all were
delicious, and you know that I am very fond of them."
After the consumption of this gastronome's dish, she reports that the
formerly trustworthy gentleman became "flattering, unreserved,
affectionate, caressing," and made advances to her in a sudden and
capricious manner. She successfully fights him off and retains her
virtue, mainly by flirting with him and being "artful enough to make him
believe that all hope was not forbidden to him."
Afterward, she chastises herself for not being sterner. "I ought to have
looked sternly at him, and should have rung the bell, raised my voice,
made a noise, done in fact everything I did not do. Need I say anything
more, sir?" She continues, leading back to a gastronomical note rather
than a moral one. "I blame the truffles for this. I am really persuaded
that they were the cause of some predisposition, which might have become
dangerous; and if I still eat them -- for to abstain wholly from them
would have beentoo severe a punishment -- at least I never eat any more of
them without being a little careful in the midst of my enjoyment."
Brillet-Savarin concludes the anecdote with an account of further grave
and careful research into the subject. "I consulted men in whom
professionally great confidence is placed; they formed with me a
committee, a tribunal, a senate, a sanhedrim, an areopagus, and we gave
the following decision to be commented on by the literary men of the
twenty-fifth century: -- "The truffle is not a positive aphrodisiac, but
it may under certain circumstances render women more affectionate, and men
more amiable."
In the final chapter of his lengthy essay on the physiology of taste and
gastronomy, he concludes with a poem alluding to the aphrodisiacal
properties of the truffle by M. Boscary de Ville-Plaine, commenting,
"Truffles are worshipped now, and perhaps the idolatry does not us much
"To the black truffle drink, for I
A great deal has been written before and since regarding the aphrodisiacal
property of the truffle, and while no hard scientific evidence has yet
turned up to support any chemical substance as being a reliable trigger of
sexual desire in humans, there is some evidence that some species of
truffles produce a pheromonal scent that is a mating trigger in female
From Harold McGee's On Food and Cooking, p. 190: "The several varieties of
truffle (species of Tuber) never break above the ground, and must be smelled
out by pigs, trained dogs, or goats. German scientists have recently
discovered that truffles produce a musky chemical that is also secreted in
the male pig's saliva and prompts mating behavior in the sow. The
investigators suggest that "the biological role of this boar sex pheromone
might explain the efficient interest of pigs in search of this delicacy."
"Human interest in truffles may also owe something to this hormone: men
secrete it in their underarm sweat... The rich, almost meaty flavor of the
fungi and their ability to intensify the flavor of vegetable dishes are
largely due to an abnormally high content of glutamic acid, which makes
them a natural version of monosodium glutamate. Mushrooms respire very
actively after harvest compared to most produce, and during four days'
storage will lose about half of their sugar and starch reserves to chitin."
Cindy Renfrow's note on the glutamic acid content in tubers is that this
may also explain the many references to people being sickened by eating
truffles, as an allergy to monosodium glutamate is a fairly common one.
The lore of aphrodisiacs is almost universal, diverse and contradictory as
well as rich in varying local traditions and superstitions. Bizzare
unguents ranging from powdered crocodile dung to burned mouse bones to a
tea made from dried turtle heads have been reputed to increase male
potency or female receptiveness, and there seems to be a strong tendency
throughout recorded history to attribute aphrodisiacal qualities to any
new, unusual or recently introduced foods.
For instance, the now common potato was reputed to have such properties
when it was first introduced in some parts of Europe and America, and the
tomato was referred to as the "Love Apple" in Elizabethan England when it
was a rare and still somewhat suspicious food. Today, the ready
availability and familiarity of these foods lead few people to suspect
that they have such unusual properties - and considering the quantity in
which they are consumed by unwitting eaters today, perhaps it is a good
thing that there is no scientific evidence that these superstitions had
any truth to them.
In particular in cultures which consider sexual activity taboo or
degrading, the social phenomenon of the aphrodisiac or love potion was a
useful device with which to justify taboo-breaking. An individual who had
transgressed against the cultural standards by comitting an act of sexual
profligacy lost less social status if it could be claimed that they had
succumbed to a potent magical or chemical influence rather than their own
desires. So a belief in the efficaciousness of aphrodisiacs did serve a
distinct social function in the sexually repressive society.
Do truffles actually have aprodisiacal properties? The answer is a
qualified yes, in that a chemical they produce is a proven mating trigger
in sows. Whether a porcine pheromone has any effect on the human libido
is yet to be proven, and in addition, there are too many social and
behavioral factors influencing human sexuality to consider any strictly
chemical trigger to be any reliable indice of behavior.
But then again, a fine dinner by candlelight, the sweet shaving of white
truffles over a perfectly creamy risotto, a tender, blood-rare filet
wrapped with wild boar bacon and drenched in black truffle cream, a glass
of magnificent Bordeaux, and surely the atmosphere of romance might well
accomplish what the chemical alone cannot. Even if the truffle has no
aphrodisiacal properties in and of itself, it is still a dish for lovers.
About 30 years ago, Alberta farmers dug up strange dry lumps in their
fields. These lumps were offered to local museums as examples of
'fossilized pemmican' but actually they were tuckahoe, which I understand
to be a type of truffle (sorry, not a fungiphile). The fields had usually
been cleared of forest cover a few years earlier, with the stumps left to
dry. After the dead stumps were cleared and the ground was plowed, the
'pemmican' (dried tuckahoe) was discovered. Farmers were sincere in their
conviction that this was pemmican that had been buried by Indians hundreds
of years earlier.
A few quotes: 'During the past few years many people have submitted
specimens of 'petrified pemmican' or just plain 'pemmican' for
identification or donation. This so-called pemmican is usually a grey mass
of wrinkled nodules which many people believe is due to the packing of the
pemmican in the stomachs of animals. According to popular theory these
packages are then buried or cached in the ground for future use. Hundreds
of pounds of this material is discovered every year, mainly in the
parkland area of the province, around Red Deer [Alberta] and North. Each
ploughing brings to light more of the weird lumps, which are collected by
amateur archeologists and often displayed in local museums as pemmican.'
(p. 87)
He goes in detail into what tuckahoe is and what pemmican is; describes
tuckahoe as 'small irregular masses, formed of many nodules. Green when
fresh, black when dry', 'very irregular outer surface, in many cases showing
the impression of tree roots', with 'alternate layers of white and black,
due to rings or layers of growth', and having a 'definite odour of mushroom
when fresh'. (p.90) King also says that 'in Europe it is known as
truffle'.(p. 88)
In _Mushrooms Demystified_ by David Aurora, under Polyporus tuberaster,
we find: "EDIBILITY: Edible, but tough unless young, fresh, and
thoroughly cooked. Native Americans ate an underground sclerotium which
they called "tuckahoe." It was once thought to be this species (as
reported in the 1st edition of Mushrooms Demystified), but is now
believed to be the sclerotium of another polypores (see Poria cocos, p.
604). The "Tubers" of P. tuberaster are inedible because they are full
of dirt. However, they are sold in southern Italy under the name pietra
fungaia ("Stone Fungus"). Buyers plant the "tubers" in flower pots,
water them regularly, and then eat the fruiting bodies that result.
M. Gavius Apicius, the original author of many of the recipes, lived in
the first century. No original copies of his cookery books are known to
have survived. The earliest known surviving copies are in two
ninth-century manuscripts, one of which is now in the Vatican Library.
These copies are probably based on the work of an unknown editor in the
late fourth or early fifth century, who published a compilation of recipes
from various sources, under the name of Apicius.
The recipes for truffles below cannot be guaranteed to have come from the
first century books by Apicius, but they are at least as old as the early
fifth century.
10 - TUBERA UT DIU SERVENTUR: tubera, quae aquae non vexa- verint,
componis in vas alternis, alternis scobem siccam mittis, cooperis et
gypsas, et loco frigido pones.
10 - TO PRESERVE TRUFFLES. Arrange truffles which are undam- aged by
water in a receptacle in layers, separated from each other by sawdust,
cover with a lid, and seal with gypsum, and keep in a cool place.
XVI - Tubera
1 - TUBERA radis, elixas, sale aspergis, et surculo infiges. su- bassas,
et mittes in caccabum oleum, liquamen, caroenum, vinum, piper et mel. cum
ferbuerit, amulo obligas. tubera exornas et inferes.
1 - SCRAPE THE TRUFFLES, boil, sprinkle with salt, and put them on
skewers. Grill lightly, then put in a saucepan oil, liquamen, caroenum,
wine, pepper, and honey. When this boils thicken with amulum, undo the
truffles, and serve (with this sauce)
amulum = wheat starch. Corn starch (US) or corn flour (UK) can
be used as a substitute.
caroenum = must (grape juice) boiled down so that it has lost
one third of its volume.
liquamen = a salty fermented fish sauce. Also called garum.
2 - ALITER TUBERA: elixas et, asperso sale, in surculis adfigis et
sabassas. et mittes in caccabum liquamen, oleum viride, caroe- num, vinum
modice et piper confractum et mellis modicum, et ferveat. cum ferbuerit,
amulo obligas, et tubera compunges, ut combibant illud. exornas. cum
bene sorbuerint, inferes. si volueris, eadem tubera omento porcino
involves et assabis et sic inferes.
2 - TRUFFLES ANOTHER METHOD. Boil, put on skewers, and grill lightly.
Then put in a saucepan liquamen, virgin oil, caroenum, a little wine and
ground pepper, and a little honey. Bring to the boil. When it boils
thicken with amulum. Prick the truffles so that they may absorb this
liquid. Undo. When they are saturated serve. If you wish you can wrap
these truffles in sausage-skin and grill and serve thus.
3 - ALITER (IN) TUBERA OENOGARUM: piper, ligusticum, coriandrum rutam,
liquamen, mel, vinum, oleum modice. calefacies.
3 - OENOGARUM FOR TRUFFLES: Pepper, lovage, coriander, rue, liquamen,
honey, wine, a little oil. Heat up.
oenogarum = a sauce made from garum (liquamen) and wine.
4 - ALITER TUBERA: piper, mentam, rutam, mel, oleum, vinum modicum.
calefacies et inferes.
4 - ANOTHER DRESSING FOR TRUFFLES. Pepper, mint, rue, honey, oil, a
little wine. Heat up and serve.
5 - ALITER TUBERA: elixa cum porro, deinde sale, pipere, corian- dro
conciso, mero, oloe modico inferes.
5 - TRUFFLES ANOTHER METHOD. Boil with leek. Then serve with salt,
pepper, chopped coriander, wine, and a little oil.
6 - ALITER TUBERA: piper, cuminum, silfi, mentam, apium, rutam, mel,
acetum vel vinum, salem vel liquamen et oleum modice.
6 - ANOTHER DRESSING FOR TRUFFLES. Pepper, cumin, asafoetida, mint,
celery, rue, honey, vinegar or wine, salt or liquamen, and a little oil.
Asafoetida: Nobody has been able to identify the plant "silphium". It is
probably now extinct. By the time of Pliny, it was aready harvested to
extinction in many places, and was very rare in others. An inferior
variety of silphium was imported from Persia. This Persian silphium is
believed to be asafoetida, which is still used in Middle Eastern cooking
1 - OENOGARUM IN TUBERA: piper, ligusticum, coriandrum rutam, liquamen,
mel, vinum, et oleum modice.
1 - OENOGARUM FOR TRUFFLES. Pepper, lovage, coriander, rue, liquamen,
honey, wine and a little oil.
2 - ALITER: thymum, satureiam, piper, ligusticum, mel, vinum, liquamen et
2 - ANOTHER METHOD. Thyme, savory, pepper, lovage, honey, wine, liquamen
and oil.
Note to Rex - I tried to link to your web page, but it was a dead link.
If you read this, please provide your contact information so that I can
offer you credit.
"It is easy to send a gift of silver or gold, a cloak or toga; but it
is difficult to send mushrooms," Martial (13,48). (Martial was a
Spanish poet that went to Rome seeking success and a wealthy patron.
He wrote several books that contain information about Roman food and
From "A Taste Of Ancient Rome" by Ilaria Gozzini Giacosa published by the
University of Chicago Press. On pages 64 and 65:
"(The Romans) ate mushrooms raw in salads, boiled and covered with sauce,
or cooked directly in a sauce or on a grill. There was even a special
serving dish called a 'boletarium' or 'boletar.'"
Although it is not always possible to determine what varieties of
mushrooms they ate from the names they used, undoubtedly there were
boletus or cepes (which the Romans called 'suilli'), morels
('morchellae'), different edible agarics (including meadow mushrooms and
the amanita Caesarea), and ash tree mushrooms ('fungi farnei'), which seem
to be a variety of those mushrooms the Italaians today call 'polipori.'
The Greeks and perhaps the Romans even attempted to cultivate mushrooms,
but they were unsuccessful."
Truffles have been prized by those with discerning palates at least since
the Roman times. The Romans served black and white truffles as appetizers
and in salads seasoned with various herbs and garum (fermented fish
sauce). Then, as now, a gift of a truffle gave honor to the recipient and
to the giver.
This information included with information that I already have leads me to
the following conclusions:
Truffles have been collected in the same areas for over 2000 years.
Truffle spots are handed down through the generations. They have been
marketed where ever they could be shipped. Due to the limited amount
produced, truffles have long been considered the domain of the rich.
The families and businesses that have been marketing truffles for the past
two millenia say that any truffles not found in Europe are inferior. This
is to be expected as they have been the exclusive marketers of truffles
for so long and they no doubt feel as though they must protect their
Rex Swartzendruber
"Mushrooms. -Aristias: "With champing of champignons the stony ground
resounded." Poliochus: "Both of us broke a bit of black barley bread, with
chaff mixed in the kneading, twice a day, and had a few figs; sometimes,
too, there would be a braised mushroom, and if there were a little dew we'd
catch a snail, or we'd have some native vegetables or a crushed olive, and
some wine to drink of dubious quality."
Antiphanes: "Our dinner is a barley cake bristling with chaff, cheaply
prepared, and perhaps one iris-bulb or a dainty dish of sow-thistle or
mushroom or any other poor thing that the place affords us poor creatures.
That is our mode of life, without heat, without excitement. Nobody eats
thyme when meat is to be had, not even they who profess to be Pythagorean
vegetarians." And going on he says:"For who among us knows the future, or
what any of our friends is doomed to suffer? Take then these two mushrooms
gathered from the ilex and bake them quickly."....
[From] Antiphanes...Proverbs..."For if I should touch any of your food, I
should feel as if I had eaten raw mushrooms or puckery apples or whatever
food there is that chokes."
Mushrooms grow on the ground, and few of them are edible. Most of them
cause death by choking. Hence Epicharmus said in jest: "You are like
mushrooms: you will dry me up and choke me to death." Nicander in the
Georgics gives a list of the poisonous varieties in these lines: "Deadly
pains are laid up in store on the olive-tree, the pomegranate, the ilex,
and the oak, the choking weight of swelling mushrooms which adhere to
them." But he also says that "when you hide deep in dung the stalk of a
fig-tree and water it with ever-running streams, mushrooms will grow at the
base and be harmless; from it cut not away at the root of the mushroom thus
grown." (The rest was illegible.)
"And at the same time you shall steam some amanita mushrooms," says the
same Nicander in the same work. Ephippus has a line running: "That I,
like a mushroom, might choke you." Eparchides says that the poet Euripides,
on a visit to Icaros, wrote an epigram on a woman who, with her children,
two grown-up males and an unmarried daughter, ate some poisonous mushrooms
in a field, and died by asphyxiation along with her children. This is the
epigram:"O god of the sun, who dost traverse the eternal vault of the sky,
have thine eyes ever beheld like woe? A mother and her daughter un-wed,
with brothers twain, dead on the same fateful day!"
Diocles of Carystus, in Book i. of his Health, says: "Wild vegetables fit
to boil are the beet, mallow, sorrel, nettle, orach, iris-bulbs, truffles,
and mushrooms." ...Diphilus says that mushrooms have a good taste, are
laxative and nourishing, but may cause indigestion and flatulence. Such
especially are those which come from the island of Ceos. "Many, however,
cause death, but those seem to be proper to eat which are very thin,
tender, and friable, growing on elms and pine-trees. Unfit to eat are
those which are black, livid, and hard, or which become tough after
boiling and serving; when these are eaten they are fatal. A good antidote
is a draught of hydromel, or honey-vinegar, or soda and vinegar. Vomiting
should follow the drink. Hence mushrooms ought to be prepared in the first
instance with vinegar, or with honey and vinegar, or honey or salt alone,
since in this way the choking element is removed."
And Theophrastus, in the History of Plants, writes: "Such plants grow in
some cases underground, in other cases on the ground; among the latter are
what some call peziae ('puff-balls'), which occur among mushrooms. For
they also, as it happens, have no roots; but the mushroom has a lengthy
stalk like an adherescent growth, and roots extend from it." He also says
that in the region of the sea round the Pillars of Heracles, whenever it
rains copiously, mushrooms grow by the sea which are turned into stone by
the action of the sun...
Theophrastus in the Plants, again: "Smooth skinned flora, like the
truffle, mushroom, puff-ball, and crane-truffle." Truffles. -These also
grow spontaneously in the ground, chiefly in sandy places. And
Theophrastus says of them: "The truffle (which some call crane-truffle)
and any other underground plant." And again: "This is also the mode of
growth and the physical habit of these underground plants, such as the
truffle, and the fungus which grows in Cyrene and is called misy. This is
regarded as very good, and it has the odour of meat, like the oiton which
grows in Thrace. Concerning these a singular fact is mentioned; it is
said, namely, that they grow when the autumn rains come with severe
thunderstorms; the more thundering there is, the more they grow, the
presumption being that this is the more important cause. They are not
perennial, but come up every year, and the proper time to use them is in
the spring, when they are at their height. Nevertheless some suppose that
they have a seed origin. For on the coast of Mitylene, they say, truffles
do not grow until a heavy rain comes and the seed is washed down from
Tiarae. Now this is a place in which they grow plentifully. And they are
more apt to occur on the seashore and wherever the ground is sandy, as it
is in Tiarae. They also grow in the Abarnis district near Lampsacus, in
Alopeconnesus, and in Elis."...Pamphilus, in his Dialect Lexicon, uses the
term hydnophyllum of the grass which grows over truffles, by which they
are detected."
(Mycologist Daniel Wheeler's comment: "hydnophyllum" means "water plant",
and is an apt description of a common watery plant found in brulees, which
are areas where truffles fruiting underground have robbed other plants of
water. Evidently this one plant survives without harm.)
From the introduction: "Athenaeus, whose Deipnosophistae, or The Sophists
at Dinner, is the oldest cookery-book that has come down to us, was a
native of Naucratis in Egypt. He lived in Rome at the end of the second
and the beginning of the third century after Christ... the completion of
the Deipnosophistae may be dated not long after 228."
C. Renfrow
" ...or lobster thermador ecrovets with a bournaise sause, served
in the purple salm manor with chalots and overshies, garnished with
truffle pate, brandy, a fried egg on top and spam."
I have found what appears to be a correct version on several sites. I did
a search on Infoseek for the words 'lobster', 'spam', and 'fried egg'.
Several came up with the following:
Waitress: ...or Lobster Thermidor a Crevette with a mornay sauce served
in a Provencale manner with shallots and aubergines garnished with
truffle pate, brandy and with a fried egg on top and spam.
Fungus Before Chocolate: The History Of The Truffle
by Daniel Wheeler, CEO
Oregon White Truffles
Truffle Factoids:
A professional truffle hunter in Italy is called a trifolau.
The Aphrodisiacal Lore of Truffles
Compiled and written by Tanith Tyrr, with contributions fromCindy Renfrow
(renfrow@skylands.net), and quotes from authors Jean Brillet-Savarin and
Harold McGee.
"...It is generally believed that the truffle excites the genetic sense."
So wrote Jean Antheleme Brillet-Savarin, the renowned 17th century
gastronome, in his classic work The Physiology of Taste. In his delicate
exposition on this particular hypothesis, he repeats the tale of a young
lady whom he claims was "a very clever woman, without any pretentions,
virtuous without prudishness."
Hate the ungrateful worse than hell;
The herb which gives us victory
In that short fight we love so well."
Tuckahoe: The Alberta Truffle
by Angela Gottfred (agottfre@telusplanet.net)
Reference: pp. 87-91. King, D. R. _Alberta Archaeology- A Handbook for
Amateurs_. D. R. King, High River. 1968.
Truffles In Ancient Rome
Contributed by Steve Mercer (steve.mercer@network.com)
From APICIVS - The Roman Cookery Book - a critical translation of
The Art of Cooking by Apicius, translated by Barbara Flower and Elisabeth
Rosenbaum. 1958.
More Tastes Of Truffles In Rome
by Rex Swartzendruber (rexs13@open.org)
Truffles Among The Greeks
Contributed by Cindy Renfrow
Excerpts from Athenaeus' The Deipnosophistae, tr. by Charles Burton
Gulick, Harvard U. Press, 1927. vol. 1, pp.263-271 The original Greek is
on the facing pages. The book chronicles an imaginary dinner conversation
among several learned guests who spout lots of quotations from various
sources. In some instances, these quotes are the only surviving reference
to those sources.
Some Truffle Fun:
Matt Hicks (matt@unidata.ucar.edu) penned:
I was looking up the text of the Monty Python skit from whence we get the
verb "to spam". I found it reproduced on several Web sites, nearly all of
which got the text from the same person who transcribed it from a
tape. There is one menu item that I think is really screwed up and I was
wondering if anyone here might be able to guess what was actually said. The
text is as follows:
Learn more about Truffles in History
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See a photo of some Oregon white truffles courtesy
of Daniel Wheeler.
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